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Igbos: who are they



Mr. Ozodi Osuji in a rambling essay attached below asks if the Igbo are taught stupidity or were born stupid. My direct answer is that they are both taught to be stupid and are born stupid. The axiom embedded in the question is that Ndigbo are stupid. I will not challenge axioms as they are established rule, principle or law. I will assume that after careful research Mr. Osuji has established that the Igbo are stupid and have made the world accept this as true.

Mr. Osuji has the qualifications to do research and to convince the world of the veracity of his researches. Per his bio, he:

  1. Has 4 PhD’s from Universities that have more Nobel Laurette’s than Harvard.
  2. Has an IQ of 140 greater than any living or dead Nigerian or black person. The closest competitor to his IQ (Bolaji Aluko has an IQ of 120, 20 points below his out-of-this-world achievement).
  3. He is/was/have been a professor in all business school subjects as well as professor in psychology, psychiatry and sociology. He is a scientist and he is currently involved in philosophy and religion and trying to create an African religion.
  4. He has published over a hundred books and thousands of articles in peer reviewed journals.
  5. He is Igbo born of Igbo parents but has lived in Igboland for a total of 4 years during the war. Before then and since they he has not lived in Igboland and has had minimal involvement in Igbo affairs or with Ndigbo.
  6. He lives in Alaska and has several children.

The above qualifications should remove any doubts about his abilities/capabilities. He is a first rate intellectual, without any biases with the possible exception to Islamic Jihadists.

I will now proceed to answer Mr. Osuji’s question of the source or origins of Igbo stupidity. I will use only the scientific/mathematical principles.

All creatures are influenced by two complementary factors: gene (nature) and environment (nurture). According to Mr. Osuji, the Igbo have not contributed anything to human civilization from Adam. If that is so then they were created by their Maker stupid. There has not risen from their clan any wise or creative individual with the noted exception of Dr. Ozodi Osuji which is the exception that proves the rule. We can therefore append quod erat demonstradum (QED) to the theory that the Igbo is stupid.

We now come to the first part of the question: Do Igbo go to school where they are taught to be stupid?

As mentioned earlier the two greatest factors in human development are nature and nurture. The impact of one could be offset by the other. Nurturing can make a stupid person less stupid. Part of the environment of a growing child such as good neighborhoods, good schools, good diets, etc. could enhance the chances of a stupid child. This could be the reason why Mr. Osuji turned out to be so smart. His life in Lagos, his marriage to a white woman, his US education in fancy schools, his limited interference with stupid Igbo, etc., all these had made him very wise.

On the other hand, we have proved that the Ndigbo were created as stupid people. Nurturing could have changed things if it was available to Ndigbo as it did for Mr. Osuji, but unfortunately good environment has not come to Igbo land. The Igbo love to live in a common area. In Igbo land all schools are run by 100% stupid Igbo people. When they leave Igbo land they congregate in one place such as Sabongari’s, build Igbo Schools where they are taught Igbo language and stupid crude cultures. They hire their sisters and brothers and teach them how to steal; and how to deal in drugs and contraband goods. They intermarry among worship false gods in their so-called Christian churches where the same stupid pastors preach to them falsehood.

Even when they travel abroad, the same practices exist. A trip to Houston for example would illustrate that the Igbo congregate in Igbo ghettos and would not allow any fresh air to come in. You will see Igbo restaurants, Igbo clubs, World Igbo Congress, Igbo World Assembly, Anambra Union, Imo Congress, Oraukwu Congress, Oji-River LGA Association, etc. They tie themselves together with these village, town. LGA, state and national associations. There is no room for any outsiders to get in and therefore for enlightened leadership to emerge.

What makes it impossible is that even when other LESS stupid people such as the Yoruba attempt to find a common ground with the Igbo, the Igbo would defraud them or at least construct obstacles to a unified Nigerian community. Since Nigerian Independence the Igbo focus has been to separate from Nigeria. This time around, led by the most stupid of them all (if that is possible) by one Nnamdi Kanu the agitation for the Independent Republic of Biafra is on the upswing. How can a stupid people led by stupid leaders be anything but stupid?

The straight answer to Mr. Osuji’s question is: Ndigbo are born stupid, are led by stupid leaders, and taught stupidity, by stupid teachers at stupid Igbo schools.


There is no hope for the Igbo.

Benjamin Obiajulu Aduba

Boston, Massachusetts

January 12, 2017


Here is Osuji’s essay:



Ozodi Osuji


Ozodi Osuji  In real life, I generally stay away from those I consider to be stupid; I do not have the ability to tolerate fools well.

I am an Igbo and cannot escape the consequences of Igbos apparent stupid behaviors; what Igbos do willy-nilly affect me; if Igbos behave as idiots and they are perceived as idiots I will be perceived as an idiot.

If Igbos insult Hausas and Yorubas and in retaliation those groups occasionally attack them I will be attacked. The individual Igbo’s private behavior has public consequences for all Igbos.

Thus, much as I do not like to concern myself with the behavior of Igbos I have to pay attention to them. Consider many Igbos incredible support of Donald Trump.

Let me put things in context. I was opposed to much of what Barrack Obama did. In fact, right from his first year in office I wrote negative articles about him.  I wrote about his poor leadership behaviors. I have written extensively on leadership; some of my writings on leadership were published by reputable academic journals so I know what I am talking about when I criticized Obama’s leadership behaviors.   My opposition to Obama was strictly professional; I saw him as a weak leader and wanted him to become a strong leader; there was nothing personal about my writing on him; indeed like most black folks I was kind of proud that he made worldwide black folks proud to become the president of the most powerful country in the world.

Donald Trump was not an American politician until recently. He was a business man; business folks pursue money and profits. His pursuit of money was not of interest to those who pay attention to public policy matters, so I had no particular reason to get to know him.

However, when Trump declared his interest in the US Presidency, I took a look at his personality and in June of 2015 decided that he is a narcissistic personality disordered person. Later on the mainstream media picked up on that subject and harped on it.

Trump is developmentally stuck at what Psychoanalysts call narcissistic stage of child development (Erik Erickson would say that his emotional age is no more than twelve).  Like a child, Trump is motivated by efforts to get other people’s attention, and to seem special in their eyes; he uses people to optimize his attention seeking goals, to make profits and then discards them like rubbish. Despite his alleged great wealth, Trump is not particularly intelligent

I liked the fact that Trump said that he is going to be tough on radical, Islamic jihadist terrorists. I was totally angry at Obama for allowing ISIS to metastasize and keep on killing people.

Beyond my support for Trump’s anti- jihadist rhetoric I evaluated him as a light weight, a clown, really. I didn’t think that he knew any worthwhile thing in public policies and certainly not in foreign policy affairs.

I voted for Hilary Clinton not because I particularly care for her; she is weak on jihadists and engaged in social engineering that wanted to ram down our throats whatever deviant behavior of the day is deemed no longer deviant. To me, she is more knowledgeable on public policies and international politics matters.

Here is my dilemma, many Igbos seem to believe that Trump is going to make Biafra come into being. How exactly is he going to do so? Trump is a conservative.

Republicans supported apartheid policies in South Africa. Trump refused to rent his rental properties to black folks (he was sued for racism and probably out of fear of the law rented to a couple of them).

Clearly, Trump is a racist. So, how is a white supremacist, an American nationalist who wants to make his white people great again, going to help an obscure African group, Igbos?  Has he anywhere said that he is going to help Igbos? No.

Some say that it is because Trump is a Christian and Igbos are Christians that he is going to support the so-called Biafra course.

Let me put on my political realism hat and ask: when has religion ever directed US foreign policy? Foreign policy is driven by national interests. If it is in the US national interest the US will support an idea but if it not it will not support it.

In case you are an ostrich and buried your head in sand and do not know how Igbos are perceived let me disabuse you a bit. Igbos are increasingly perceived as criminals. Why? It is because Igbos scam US and European citizens; through their various 419 scams, bank loans scams, credit cards scams etc. Igbos take money away from white folks. These criminal activities have been the subject of US Congressional hearings, thus, the leaders of America know who Igbos are!

All over the world, Igbos are now known as drug dealers.  Folks all over the world know that Igbos would do anything to make money.

All over the world, people have no pity for drug pushers. In that light, Americans actually hate Igbos more than they hate other Nigerians who are not selling drugs to destroy their people (or scamming them).

So, where exactly did Igbos get the idea that Trump is going to support their desired Biafra? Listen, if anything, Trump will support putting Igbos into a cage (as in caging criminals) and prevent them from coming to the USA.

It, therefore, baffles me that many Igbos support Trump; on Facebook there are Igbo trolls for Trump; these clowns dutifully post whatever fake news that support Trump or denigrate his opponent, Hillary Clinton.

One such Igbo clown, Zubbie Ekwueme, goes as far as denigrating black Americans, portraying them as ghetto criminals who do not understand that Trump is their God and savior; this clown does not feel guilty that his heartless Igbo ancestors caused black Americans to be oppressed by white folks by selling them into slavery; he adds to that injustice by denigrating them; for assaulting black Americans Ekwueme ought to be put away; his continued freedom is a disgrace to humanity!

You may not like Liberals but it is liberals in American politics that fight for black folks.  The Civil rights legislation (1964) and the fair housing legislation (1965) were done by liberals; Republicans like Barry Goldwater opposed civil rights for black Americans. Yet, this Igbo clown called Ekwueme does not see anything about conservatives that he does not admire. He is always putting down liberals. He fancies that I am a liberal and calls me a dingbat liberal and other pejorative names.

I am not a liberal; I am a social democrat; I accept the need to mix socialism and capitalism to create a just society; American liberals shy away from robust socialism; they merely use government to provide some half-hearted help to those the rulers of America oppress, poor folks. I am for Scandinavian type political economy where it is our solemn obligation to publicly pay for all citizens health insurance and pay for their education through university and also provide them with some other help.

Can anyone please tell me what conservatives have done for the good of black Americans?  I know that Republicans fought to end slavery but that was when Republicans were the progressive party; there was a party realignment so that Democrats that used to be conservative are now are liberals.

Apparently, miseducated Igbos fancy that their petty trading skills and ability to make chomp change from trading makes them capitalists hence the natural ally of capitalist America.  Some of these fools say that Igbos are naturally republicans where every person takes care of his self and the public does nothing for the individual and that this social structure makes them the same as Republican Americans hence Republicans ought to like them.

Since when were Igbos not their brothers keepers, if I may ask? In traditional Igbo villages the people donated their labor for free to help each other cut down their bush and farm on the land and to build their houses. Traditional Igbo society was more communalistic than American styled do nothing for your neighbors’ philosophy. Know-nothing Igbos run around talking about Igbo society been more like exploitative white capitalist society; these folks do not know anything about Igbo society!

Some misguided Igbos say that Obama is a Muslim and got Muslim Buhari elected to office. Obama had nothing to do with Buhari’s election.  I do not know anything for sure about Obama’s religious affiliation.   Obama seems lacking in desire to protect Christians slaughtered by Muslim Jihadist; I can see how that could lead to paranoid theory that he is a Muslim sympathizer, if not Muslim.

Obama is not the subject of this essay, Trump is. How is a white supremacist racist who probably thinks that black folks are unintelligent going to be Igbos savior?

It is really annoying to see Igbos who presumably went to universities saying arrant nonsense about what Trump is going to do for their desired Biafra. May be it is because, as they say, a drowning man grasps at straws. Those who desperately want Biafra to become a reality grasp at stupid straws, including the improbable hope that a white racist would help black them.

Here is my question:  do Igbos go to a special school where they teach them to be stupid or are they born stupid?

I ask this question because I notice that at Nigerian Internet forums, many Igbo members write the most stupid things and no amount of efforts to redirect them makes them to budge. For example, practically everything they write is designed to humiliate other Nigerians.

For some reason these verbally abusive Igbos do not seem to understand that if you humiliate a human being or group of human beings you inflict narcissistic injury to them and that human beings do kill to assuage their injured pride and vanity.

Common sense tells us to respect our neighbors for if they decide to they can kill us. Igbos do not seem to accept common sense and instead, like people operating outside reality, that is, deluded persons, verbally abuse their neighbors, right, left and center, making them angry at Igbos and disposing some of them to attack and kill Igbos (or marginalize them from Nigerian politics).

Because of their constant denigration of Nigerians, Nigerians shut Igbos out of position of power in Nigeria.  Igbos then see themselves as victims and complain about it. They naively think that the rest of the world is going to rescue them from their self-caused untenable position.

No other country is willing to bring about Biafra; the sooner Igbos accept this reality and work to restructure Nigeria and bring about good governance in Nigeria the better they are served.


PS: Rational persons participate at forums where their views are respected; they do not want to be where for merely expressing what seems to them rational opinions Igbos rain verbal abuses on them. As a result of been constantly abused by misguided Igbos many of the people who actually say something worthwhile at the forums have left. They left the forums to Igbo abusers like Nebucadinzer, Chukwuma, Assigwara, Ukaegbo, Madu etc. The forums are now clown shows for Igbo clowns to clown around and for those Nigerians who like to clown with them to do so.  This is sad for there are actually well educated Nigerians whose presence at the forums did contribute to the continuing education of all members. (Good people leave and idiots stay and transform the forums to idiot forums; how come the idiots do not leave?)


Ozodi Osuji

January 11, 2017
